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DIY Project || #18 || Kaleidoscope Earrings

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DIY kaleidoscope earrings
DIY kaleidoscope earrings

DIY kaleidoscope earrings

DIY kaleidoscope earrings
After a brief hiatus from the blog in respect to the events that occurred last week, I want to thank everyone I know who's been really supportive and caring. I can't be any more grateful that my friends are safe, the perpetrators are no longer on the streets, and we can begin to move forward with heavier hearts. 

I wanted to get back onto my schedule with this DIY project I like to call Kaleidoscope earrings. I've seen similar projects that have used cut up CDs to put on wallets, necklaces, bracelets and such so I thoughtI I'd give it a whirl! If anyone has seen some cool CD projects, let me know and I'd be glad to link to them in this post!

DIY kaleidoscope earrings

It's a fairly easy process overall -- probably took me about half an hour to do the whole project. Simply take a blank CD and cut it into small pieces (helps to start with big chunks then break it down smaller). Then, after situating the pieces onto your earring, simply heat up your glue gun and start attaching them on. Sometimes the glue will melt a bit of the silvery film that coats the CD, which I ended up liking a lot because to gives it a rougher edge and plays with the clear/reflective theme. After the glue cools, you can trim away any edges that might seem to sharp or poignant. Simply wipe the surface to rid of any sticky residue when you're done and voila! Hope you guys like it, let me know what you think!

DIY kaleidoscope earrings


  1. These earrings look so bad a*s!! love it

  2. Are they not sharp? They look fabulous, but I'm a little nervous about them cutting my neck.

    1. Hey Rachel -- surprisingly they are not that sharp even though they look it! You can also trim the edges a lot more than what I did so they are less pointy. I've worn them for a full day so far and I hardly ever felt them. Let me know if it works out for ya! :)

  3. Jessie RenkinApril 25, 2013

    I LOVE these, great simple & chic!

    1. Thanks, Jessie! So glad you like 'em!

  4. Love them! Also, they look absolutely adorable on you! :)

  5. What did you use as the base to glue the cd pieces to?

    1. Hey there! I just used a flat earring that I have -- you can see them in the "materials needed" image! Any flat, hanging earring should do!

  6. This is so cool! I was just wondering how you got the "turquoise" effect on the earrings in the last picture. Did you paint it or does it appear like that when it catches the sunlight?

    Very creative, btw :)

  7. Ah I love this idea!! they came out so beautiful. its a great way to recycle old cds. we go through so many cds at work i should save a couple and make some earrings!

  8. Ooh, these are cool! I bet they are so sparkly in the sun :)


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