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DIY || #37 || (Strawberry) Jammin'

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The sun is out, snow is out of sight, and the grocery store is stocking up on fresh(er) must be spring! As a California gal living out in the frigid coast that is New England, you can't possibly imagine how psyched I am to expose my ankles for the first time in months and sit outside. This DIY Strawberry Earphones project is inspired by all the fruity goodness that the spring and, soon, summer seasons will bring! Like usual, just a few super simple steps and you can make these tasty looking babies in a few minutes! Check it out below:

What you'll need:
-pair of earphones 
-strawberry buttons (found mine at Michaels, but you can find similar ones on Etsy or any other fun buttons will cupcakes, ice cream cones, etc!)
-hot glue gun or permanent glue

1. Start by cutting off the loop on the back of your buttons with the scissors. My buttons were made of plastic so they quickly snapped off. Try to trim as close to the base so it is as flat as you can get it.
2. Heat up your glue gun. Gently dab a small pea size amount of glue to the back of the strawberry button (near the top) and stick to one earphone where it best fits. I made sure to put the earphone on before and place my finger where the button could fit comfortably. I then removed the earphone from my ear and glued the button at the location where I previously held my finger. 
3. Hold button in place until glue dries. Repeat on other side. Voila! You're done!

Now that's what I call (strawberry) jammin' to the beat! Happy start of the week!


  1. These are SO CUTE!!!

  2. the most adorable earbuds EVER!


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